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CPA Philip Kaikai Elected to ICPAK Council

Alumni Association of KCA University » Blog » CPA Philip Kaikai Elected to ICPAK Council

CPA Kakai is the pioneer Chairman of the Alumni Association of KCA University, a position he held from 2013 to 2017.

CPA Kakai is a Certified Public Accountant trained at KCA University (2000) among other credentials. He has over 20 year’s extensive experience in Leadership, Financial Accounting and Management, Budget Management, Audit and Project management gained from both the public and private sector. He joined the Judiciary in 2013 where he has served in various capacities.

Prior to that, he was the Finance Manager of Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) Ltd. He is currently Assistant Director of Finance in charge of Revenue and Deposits at the Judiciary. He is also the Vice Chairman of ICPAK for the period July 2021 to June 2022 having been elected as a Council member in 2020 where he serves in the Public Policy and Governance Committee, the Legislative Affairs sub-committee. He has served in other ICPAK council committees for over 8 years.