Tell us about yourself
My name is Liza Mburu. I work at Safari Park Hotel in the Sales and Marketing Department. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management, Class of 2013. I graduated with Second Class Honors (Upper Division). I started off my career in the HR profession. Along the way, I discovered that I had good potential for Sales & Marketing and I was very passionate about pursuing it since I had also trained on the same. When an opportunity arose at my workplace, I seized it immediately. This basically involves marketing products and services like accommodation, conferencing, events, restaurants, etc, which I found to be very exciting.
Tell us about your KCA University journey and some of your fond memories
I enrolled as a part-time student at KCAU since I was also working full-time. With gratitude, I recall my admission process having been seamless courtesy of Ms. Audrey Kubwa who took time to guide and assist me through the entire process. Just within a short time I was done and ready to start my classes. Being a part-time student, I sacrificed a lot just to be in class including my worship day and family time. However, along the way I got used to the routine and it became easier to manage. I learnt how to prioritize my time to accommodate my studies.
We had very understanding lecturers who would indulge us especially when we could not get to class in good time or if for some reason we could not submit our assignments on time due to the competing work schedules. I remember we would engage in group discussions, these were also key because they assisted us to make up for lost time, so the journey was quite interesting. I particularly remember Madam Jennifer Musoka, whose classes were very interesting and have impacted on my career and I am very grateful for that. As a part-time student I had no time for social life and I think that was hectic but looking back now, if we were to meet with my fellow alumni, it would be something to laugh about because I wonder how we really used to manage!
Please give us highlights of your success as well as the low moments throughout your career journey.
I can say I’ve basically enjoyed my career growth and the experience that I’ve gathered so far. The hotel industry has so many opportunities as you get to interact with so many people from all walks of life. This has given me a chance to profile myself which is a good thing.
The biggest challenge is that time is never enough! Sometimes it becomes difficult to strike a worklife balance. However, I cannot regret the experience that I’ve gathered so far, with the new interactions and the new prospects.
Through my networks, I would also like to point out that apart from studying at KCA University, my employer has been able to engage in business with my Alma Mater which for me is a great thing and makes me feel good. I was even privileged to host the recent Alumni Homecoming Event, one of its kind and very successful. It has been a great journey indeed!
You are an expert in two areas now, HR and Marketing. HR promotes work-life balance while Marketing demands you to be the go-getter. How do you balance this?
HR policy is very clear on work-life balance. But on the other hand, when you’re in Sales and Marketing, things are different. At times work demands for you to be there throughout. You just need to be creative and find ways of compensating yourself perhaps by taking a day off. I plan for my leave days when its off-peak season and I have been able to make my family understand and thus we plan our time together around my work schedule. It’s really difficult to strike that balance, especially in the Hospitality Industry but it is necessary
What is your advice to the students pursuing marketing?
Marketing is a very interesting and dynamic course. There are so many opportunities nowadays especially digital marketing. Everything in the world revolves around marketing. Get to learn new products and opportunities in the market, and package yourself accordingly.
Having done HR, it has really helped me because marketing is purely about human relations, that is interpersonal skills. You need to know how to communicate effectively, have negotiation skills and to be expressive. Extroverts thrive very well in Marketing. All these skills are not taught in class but rather you build them as you grow into your career. Every day is a learning process.
As an Alumni of KCA University, what is your advice to your fellow alumni?
First, I wish to thank KCA University, my Alma Mater, for the Alumni Homecoming Event that was held recently. You can imagine for all those years there was no similar event to bring people together. On that day, I met so many people including my clients whom I didn’t know are alumni of KCA University. The Alumni Association is a great forum to bring people together to network. We also get to help each other in terms of business. Giving back to the community would also be an important aspect to help the underprivileged in our communities. Doing such things would be substantial and in turn, this would grow the Alumni brand.
I would also be happy to mentor the young graduates by sharing my journey with them and also organize internships for them including the KCAU students in their final year.
What is your parting shot?
Building your personality is an everyday learning experience.