The first big event in our calendar is usually the AGM held on the last Saturday of every year. This year it fell on 30th March 2019 at the main campus. The meeting was planned for 9:00 a.m. but it was only after 10:30 am that there was reasonable quorum to begin.
The number of attendants was an improvement from the previous years hence encouraging. Members discussed issues of the association as carried out in 2018. The treasurer presented the financial report for 2018 and members gave their input to it. The budget for 2019 was also presented and adopted. The same occasion saw the launch of the first AAKCAU logo.
The board of the alumni association is exploring a more convenient time to set the next AGM so as to improve the attendance. Members are also urged to register online on (insert link) and pay their subscription to support the activities of the association.