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Alumni 11th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Alumni Association of KCA University cordially invites you to its Hybrid Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for Saturday, May 25th, 2024, commencing at 9:00 am. The event will take place at the Main Campus, Ruaraka, – Conference Hall C. The AGM will be conducted both virtually and physically.

For those joining virtually, the Zoom meeting details are as follows: Meeting ID 998 5637 0235, Passcode 115345. Please register in advance using the following link:[ REGISTER NOW ]. During the meeting, there will be board elections. To be eligible to vote, ensure that you are an active member and have paid the subscription fee for 2024.


May 25
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Event Category:




Blended Physical & Virtual (Zoom)
Nairobi, kasarani, Kenya + Google Map
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